When you see your beloved cat through up after eating grass do not be anxious, but when your cat is throwing up and did not eat grass there could be a problem. Observe him; perhaps you should see a vet.
There is another reason why cats eat grass. This is instinctive behaviour to provide for folic acid. Folic acid is one of the B – vitamins and is essential for a cat’s health. Although premium cat food contains the necessary vitamins cats keep the need of grazing grass. Make conscious choices when planting grass in your garden, some grasses are sharp to the touch and therefore very painful for a cat’s mouth. Some grasses have small barbs and the can cause problems.

When cats do not come outside the house they
could munch your plants. Take care that you do not have poisonous plants in your house or in your garden.
Our Bengals and I love this lemongrass the most.
This picture is taken early summer, and the grass is flowering. A few weeks later there is not much left of my lemongrass, but fortunately it will grow back again.
Have a happy Bengal day and take care of yourself. Do not forget to eat your veggies to day :)
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