Good morning sweethearts, did you
sleep well my darlings? Are you ready for a new day? The sun is shining, a
promising day is starting….have a good stretch….breakfast is coming…. come on
my sweethearts….my darlings come on…….JJJJJJJ
I am convinced that you do not speak
Dutch, but there is no language barrier, because Bengal lovers are fluent in “Catlovers
What was the Dutch blog about?
The first weeks the babies were
snuggled up to each other; a close-knit bundle of joy. This was every morning : " Good morning sweethearts, did you sleep well my darlings?" "Are you ready
for a new day?" The sun is shining, a promising day is starting….have a good
stretch….breakfast is coming…. come on my sweethearts….my darlings come ". JJJJJ
Some kittens are stretching but prefer
to snooze a bit more. Some kittens want to start heir day and instantly they will have a problem. How do you deal
with your sisters lying on top of you?
First call mummy: ”meeeoooow!” "Mummy where are you, meeeoooow ."
Well I have to find a way out myself, perhaps some wriggling will help, or squirming. Perhaps squeaking will help or wriggling and sqeaking.I want to get from under them, I want my breakfast. Where is mummy? ”meeeoooow!”
"All together now”
Well I have to find a way out myself, perhaps some wriggling will help, or squirming. Perhaps squeaking will help or wriggling and sqeaking.I want to get from under them, I want my breakfast. Where is mummy? ”meeeoooow!”
"All together now”
Bengal mums are very keen on hygiene,
so they spent cleaning the kittens for the most part of the day. The kittens
are not amused by their mothers cleaning frenzy, but they have to undergo it.
They want to spent the whole day running and playing and they often offer
resistance. Mostly in vain, mummy lays down the law.
"all together now, get in and dig!
In seconds as much grains lay out of
the box as in the litterbox. It does not matter everybody is having fun, cats
and people.
After having fun, we have to learn
the kittens how to use the litterbox properly. We have to observe the kittens
closely and as soon as a kitten is sitting down, we have to focus on that kitten.
Sometimes a kitten sits down to take a break, or to decide what it is going to
do next, or it is looking for a sparring partner. Keeping focus on the
expression of their faces and the way they hold their tails, we suppose that a
kitten has to do ” a wee, wee.”
A quick reaction is necessary,
because you have to lift up the kitten and put it in the litterbox. When you
are right the kitten is doing its business while being raised and you have to
change the blankets. Fortunately Bengal kittens are extremely cleaver and they
understand the purpose of the litterbox in a few days.
We clean their little litterbox every
few hours, but we put a few “stinky presents” back in their cleaned litterbox.
Perhaps we do not like that, but remember what I told you earlier. Smell
gives a cat important data, so they will recognize their litterbox.
Dear catlovers have a good day enjoying
the good company of friends mischief. JJJJJ
Love Conny
Love Conny

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