Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mothers dag.

We like to give you a special present from us. All readers are being indulge by the mothers of Airashii today. Motherhood is very special, both for Bengal cats and humans. And we like to share our experiences with you.  

Female Bengal cats spend a week in a splendid and romantic resort and we have a great week with a gorgeous male Bengal. After a week we love we love to go back to our  cattery and to return to our daily routines. We love to be together with the other Bengals and gossip or have a snooze together. Besides we have to cheque our territory in tur garden. We like to have everything in their place. But sometimes there’s some excitement: a frog, a dragonfly , birds or even ducks  visit our garden.They can’t be tolerated and they have to be hunted right away. We surely can! Together we even chase herons out of our territory; they think that they can hunt our frogs, would you believe.

Let me introduce myself, I am Wasilla and after my romantic week with Storm I had eight beautiful kittens. They were all healthy and happy kittens.You can see more of them on our You tube channel.
* A Snow Bengal first litter.
* Eight Baby Bangals
* Leisure time in a Bengal Cats den with the Bengal babies.

I am Ayram and I am a Brown tabby spotted Bengal cat. I have moved to Haarlem, a beautiful town in a North province of the Netherlands . My two daughters and I moved together.
This video is of my first litter.You can see more of them on our You tube channel.
* Kittens nursing.
*Just can’t get enough kittens

I am Tsukiko and I like to have my kittens in a special Box that Ivan has made for us. It’s a secure place because it can be covered up completely leaving just one small opening. I like to call this box “my den”. Ivan placed my den in a play pen for children, in order to improve the safety of my kittens. I love those words,” improving safety”. When that’s all addressed I am able to concentrate the birth of my kittens.

It’s our  leisure time and yours too, so have a coffee, tea or a beautiful red wine and enjoy all our video’s. We proudly name our channel:

Have a great Sunday, Love Airashii Bengal cats. See you next Sunday.



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