Tuesday 21 October 2014

Storm, the father of our kittens.

Storm is going to be our sire and he is certainly willing and able  to service our female cats. There are a few possibilities to have a virile male cat in the company of females in one houshold. We were experimenting how to keep our boy happy. We have seen some options and some are certainly not an option for us!LLL M

A sire is very important for breeders but I don’t understand some of their choices.
L Caging a Bengal is a sad sight to see, even when they are in a bench the kitchen.
L A Bengal in a cage in the garden makes us very unhappy also. A Bengal should not be alone he always needs a friend.
K A lonely Bengal in a big cage is much better, but he should not be alone should not be alone.
J Fortunately we saw Bengals with their mates living happily together.


Our first Solution:
We love to live with our Bengals so we gave Storm an especially handmade shorts. We gave Storm his own room and when he was wearing his shorts he could join us, we thought. But we were so very mistaken. Storm was convinced that he was the man of the house and indeed very sexy, so from the minute he came out of his room he started to parade and check his females. Storm is a very virile Bengal and he controlled each and every female and he had no interest for us at all. He was very

restless, smelled pheromones in the air and he kept monitoring his females. But they took absolutely no notice of him. They were not amused by his hanky-panky and sometimes he even got a smack in his face. He got very frustrated and he came to us for consolation and hugging. 



We got very frustrated too when we tried to put his shorts on. It takes two adults and 10 hands to succeed and it took Storm 2 seconds to get it off! But we persevered for two weeks and after evaluation we decided that his shorts made Storm very unhappy. He was focussed on getting rid of this horrible contraption and did not want to play. Ivan decided to build his own resort.

On You tube you can find a report of Ivan building Storms retreat.Bengals are very social cats, they need other cats, dogs or people to keep them company. When they are alone they get very frustrated and bored and unhappy and they will shift their attention to your furniture or you wallpaper or your sofa….K



L It saddens me that the guilty one is always the Bengal but people are to blame. Bengals need attention, love, will people and toys. They will give you love, attention in return.

Storm and Wanata are close friends and live together in the resort. They have room to play and to run. They can climb the trunks and scratch to their heart’s content. There are always little insects visiting them and as soon as they notice the cats they hide in little cracks in the trunks or the walls. Both Storm and Wanata are always on the lookout for those little insects. Even mouse are regular visitors, in winter the resort is more pleasing than the garden. But they have to be very vigilant!

Birds are frequently on the roof, looking for little insects under the moss covering the roof. Both cats can observe them lengthy.
Bengals are sturdy cats and Storm an Wanata both are big cats. When they  are running at high speed they stretches their backs, so their wheel is much larger than the first one Ivan made.


Have relaxed and happy Bengal day to day with a special  “ jogging exercise” :
       run if you hit upon frustration and enjoy the outdoors.



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