Ginger is a daughter of Wasilla and
storm, both parents are Seal mink spotted Bengals. When she was born she had an
striking colour, a blend of brown and red. The older she got The colour of her
coat tends to get more red the older she got and I was excited. I have shared my whole adult live
with a red cat. I love the colour it gives the coat of Bengals a warm glow. Also,
I believe that red cats have a bubbly temperament and Ginger
did not disappointed me. Her name compliments her significant personality:
Airashii’s Ginger on the rocks. When you see her play your heart lifts as a cocktail makes you cheerful.
Why do I love red cats?
Actually I like the colour red in
all animals. On vacation in Alaska we saw a fox in the pristine wildernis
Alaska. We spent a week in Denalai NP and drove via the Denali highway to Palmer. When we were putting up our tent a fox came to have a look. He sat down, watched us and he did not
appear to be afraid of us. No wonder there was no one to be seen.

After having our meal we sat
together, Ivan, the fox and I. Ivan took his time to take pictures of this spectacular
animal, and the fox was willing to pose for Ivan.
Later we went to the Glacier and
when we returned the fox came running downhill towards us. He sat down with his
beautiful tale around his paws and looked at us with expectation. What can you
do? Ivan respects the great outdoors and educated me
over and over again not to feed wild animals. But what can I do, I am a women
in love so I gave him an egg. He took the egg in his mouth and ran back to his
den in the mountains. After a while he came back and I gave him another egg
after telling him that this was the last egg he got and he ran to his den
Ginger and her sister Gin Michi had a short snooze. Any moment
they start streching and start playing. Perhaps a drink first? Where is mummy?
Any moment of the day a sporting event will start.
Rough-and-tumble play is the best way to learn how to play sporty and not hurt anyone. Fortunately they love" rough-and-tumbling".:)
And a loud meeeeeeow means : stop"!
And a loud meeeeeeow means : stop"!
Sometimes Ginger starts a wrestle match with her sister. Aimeka sees both of them wrestling and joins the game. Aimeka is a seal mink Bengal, on this picture you can see the difference in colour of their coats. Aimeka is twee weeks older .
Gin Michi is quieter so Ginger often plays with Aimeka, her mother or her aunt. Ginger loves toys and everything and anybody can be a toy!:) Then she sees something new: a bowl.
" What can you do with it....first have a good look.....than have a good smell .....not interesting!
Can I play with it. "YES,YES... splash...splash"..... Ginger is having fun.

Ginger does not know the meaning of the word. Even when the other kittens are a sleep and the
adult cats are snoozing she finds something to play with. Ginger is a very
active entrepreneurial type, she only needs toy and have a party of her own.
Ginger is having a blast with her
catnip mouse. Lets party, catnip makes a cats life fantastic, spectacular…:) :)
With a catnip mouse life is never boring:)
Have a bubbly and happy day today, watch and celebrate anything red , even a trafficlight.:)
love Conny
love Conny

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