Sunday 24 July 2016

A precarious water mishap of a kitten.

Pawprints is a very adventurous kitten, he has and or shows confidence in himself and his abilities and he therefore often gets in trouble. But that does not mean abandoning his investigations. The moment he wakes up, his investigations starts....

Pawprints is four weeks old and he loves to go into the garden with the other cats. He often sits on the windowsill and withdraws into a sulk, so it’s time to let him out. Only under my supervision of course.
It’s a warm summer’s day and the other cats already are in the garden. Pawprints is standing reluctantly on the threshold, confronted with the great outdoors he didn't really want to do get out. He is my hero, my most beautiful little man. He was standing on the threshold and taking his time to observe this exciting part of his future territory.

He loved what he saw, smelled and heard and after a few perceptive observations, and he ran into the garden. He thoroughly inspected every, plant, stone, stick in short his nose worked overtime. He was focussed on his garden and I want into the kitchen for a drink. Seconds later he ran fearfully straight into the Livingroom and kept running until he was stopped by the cat tree.

He was totally upset after his frightful experience and wanted to hide somewhere. He softly meowed pitiful: he was completely overwhelmed. With his big blue eyes looking bewildered at me and his little body shivering he was an example of total dismay.
I immediately understand what has happened. Buck weed has overgrown the pond, so Pawprints thought this was an interesting lawn, with challenging smells. The pond is not deep and it’s summer so the water is not cold, but still. He has an frightful experience and stormed back into the house.

He was not pleased with my helping hand; he absolutely didn’t like my cleaning actions. As soon as he heard a fly, he forgot his smelly coat and went hunting. He immediately forgot his mishap and was the fearsome hunter again. 

Have a great summer, 
see you next week.

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