Thursday 23 October 2014

Kittens first adventures out of the den.

Kittens first steps out of the den.

Those were the days, our first litter have been staying with mum in their “birth box”, but now the time has come to leave the den. And it was about time too. We were very concerned about the safety of the kittens, so we covered the play pen with blankets just in case a kitten could fall. From time to time we took mum with one kitten on top of the box so she can care for her kitten for a while. At last it was time to observe the kittens observing their room.

Hello I am Aikiko, where am I? Is this a welcome surprise? I will not lose heart, I am a Bengal kitten, I am an Airashii Bengal kitten. I am small but tough, I will go and have a look where the others are, I can hear them rumbling about ? Wow, I will join them later, but first I will have a walking tour up here and I will call mummy when I want to join the others. This  certainly is a welcome surprise.

Well it seems that I am on the top of the world and I am not sure that this is a safe place to be. It does not smell strange because  mummy has been here, so it should be OK. Where are the others? I don’t like being alone on the top of the world. I can hear Aikiko an Azuko rumbling about but I also hear a range of unfamiliar sounds. I should have a look…....excitement and suspense….

 I am having a ball,I have a taste of success. I have done very well and inch by inch I will discover the ”great outdoors”. I will be known as the great explorer Bengal when I am grown-up. Everybody will say:  ”Look who is here  Aikata the famous explorer.”   Just Watch me closely!

I don’t want to be here…I do not want to be here alone……this place is very freighting…  mummy….mummy ……where are you…..meeeeow,   meeeeow….I will not move, I will shout and make a lot of noise!M
Imagine, just think of it!  What is Conny intend to do now. I do not know what to think of her actions.She is a good care taker, but who would have thought that she has left me in this strange place? I will have to watch her actions more closely in future.  Now I want my mummy, meeeeow,   meeeeow…., I will shout and make even more noise! I am not a happy Bengal kitten at all.LL
Aiko has made a lot of noise, so mummy was very worried. And when I went for my adventure and have my taste of success, mummy came to have a look very early on. And yes she does when she often does. Now I was trapped in trouble and my exploring activities became impossible. That surely was not a kick start. I just have to wait until she is satisfied and convinced that I am clean.



I am Ajram look at me. I think I am gorgeous, aren’t I? I am an excellent Bengal kitten, I am a princess. I do not understand the challenge of this outing, I mean on top of the birth box in particular. I know that Ivan has especially constructed the box especially for us. I think my mother had a black out, when she decided that we should have been born on the ground. What good would it do, going back to our basic primal instincts? Oh my goodness me, I am very thankful that Conny moved heaven and earth for her move to the birth box.


Watch my perfect little body I am especially proud of my wild expression. I still have to practise moving like an elegant predator but I think I can assume an elegant pose very well, can’t I?


                                ♥♥♥   I Love mummy  and mummy loves me  ♥♥♥

 We all wish you a lovely and happy Bengal day ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥


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