Kittens first steps
out of the den.

Hello I am Aikiko, where am I? Is this a welcome surprise? I will not lose heart, I am a Bengal kitten, I am an Airashii Bengal kitten. I am small but tough, I will go and have a look where the others are, I can hear them rumbling about ? Wow, I will join them later, but first I will have a walking tour up here and I will call mummy when I want to join the others. This certainly is a welcome surprise.☺
Well it seems that I am on the top of the world and I am not sure that this is a safe place to be. It does not smell strange because mummy has been here, so it should be OK. Where are the others? I don’t like being alone on the top of the world. I can hear Aikiko an Azuko rumbling about but I also hear a range of unfamiliar sounds. I should have a look…....excitement and suspense….
I am having a ball,I have a taste of success. I have done very well and inch by inch I will discover the ”great outdoors”. I will be known as the great explorer Bengal when I am grown-up. Everybody will say: ”Look who is here Aikata the famous explorer.” Just Watch me closely!
I don’t want to be
here…I do not want to be here alone……this place is very freighting… mummy….mummy ……where are you…..meeeeow, meeeeow….I will not move, I will shout and
make a lot of noise!M
Imagine, just think of it! What is Conny intend to do now. I do not know
what to think of her actions.She is a good care taker, but who would have thought
that she has left me in this strange place? I will have to watch her actions
more closely in future. Now I want my
mummy, meeeeow, meeeeow….,
I will shout and make even more noise! I am not a happy Bengal kitten at all.LL
Aiko has made a lot of noise, so mummy was
very worried. And when I went for my adventure and have my taste of success,
mummy came to have a look very early on. And yes she does when she often does. Now I was trapped in trouble and my exploring activities
became impossible. That surely was not a kick start. I just have to wait until she
is satisfied and convinced that I am clean.

Watch my perfect little body I am especially proud of
my wild expression. I still have to practise moving like an elegant predator
but I think I can assume an elegant pose very well, can’t I?
♥♥♥ I Love mummy and mummy loves me ♥♥♥
We all wish you a lovely and happy Bengal day ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
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