Monday 8 August 2016

Gingers son is born.

We stayed with Ginger, reassuring her and observing her closely. When we took a short break to have a coffee and a snack, we were surprised. When we returned to Ginger her kitten was born: a beautiful Seal mink Bengal kitten. We were over the moon with this gorgeous kitten. The wonder of becoming a mother had happened: Ginger was a new mother and all restlessness and insecurity had disappeared. Proudly and self-assured she laid in her den, with her kitten close to her.

Gingers kitten was gorgeous, healthy and very active. He immediately started to look for mommy’s teat. He was still joined to his mother by the umbilical cord but he clearly was very hungry. Ginger immediately started to wash her kitten, that seemed contradictory because her kitten was already soaking wet. But she decided that this was her major task. Both of them were the ultimate picture of happiness.

Ginger was concentrating on washing her kitten, so Ivan cut the umbilical cord. Now the kitten was able to move more and he did indeed. Ginger had eight teats and he was her only kitten, so he shopped for the best one. He had trouble choosing the best one and  in the end he appropriated them all. He really is a most fortunate kitten.

He was a big kitten; a big and beautiful boy, very active and very hungry. I had to observe hem closely so I did, I could  not keep my eyes off him. He weighed 104 gram when he was born and after two days he gained 200 grams! A kitten preferably should gain 10 grams a day, but Gingers boy gained more every day. 

He was very active tottering around in the playpen, and making his mother very nervous. It’s important to minimize stress so we placed her in our specially made box. Previously we tried to get her interested for this box but regrettably she was not interested at all. Fortunately she agreed with us, her son could safely explore now. 


If you like to follow Gingers story, have a look on my face book:

                          Airashii Bengals
More videos on my You Tube Channel:

              Enjoy your summer, see you next week.

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