Sunday 15 May 2016


Bengal cats are extreme playful, so when you want to keep your beloved pet happy collect toys. Everything that attracts the attention of your cat can become the next toy to play with.

Of course you can shop in your favourite pet shop, but due to my inattentiveness my Bengalcat get hold of toilet paper. He went totally crazy , it was a shambles! That was my opinion, but I could tell by the look on its face that this was no demolition: this kitten was very seriously practising his hunting skills.
When you observe a Bengal or any other cat hunting and finally catching its prey, you’ll observe the same action. All his weapons are used: four claws and a mouth with sharp teeth. Our Bengals have the looks of a predator, but they are a beloved pet, so the instincts of a predator are still there. Even after generations of breeding the instincts remain active and that’s what makes a Bengal cat a fascinating breed. A pet with the looks and instincts of a predator is an exellent description for a Bengal cat. 

Bengals are very playful and active and they need a lot of freedom of movement. You have to keep that in mind and provide your Bengals several opportunities to run and climb. Endorsing this idea Ivan build a Bengal cat running wheel. This certainly was a good intention but a huge project. After weeks of plotting and planning Ivan started building the cat’s wheel. The Bengals were over the moon with their wheel, and we were too. We do not recommend you building a running wheel, there are other possibilities that are easier to realize.

The best idea is surprising your Bengal with new experiences: boxes, bags, baskets. When we were extending a route for the Bengals we left one branch on the floor. Watch the video how much fun a kitten had. Of course we left the branch there for weeks.


We truly are pet shop lovers; we have our favourite shops also on line. Please be very selective buying activity toys. Firstly they have to be sturdy, also pay attention to the fixings. Cheque if there are no sharps things sticking out to hurt your sweetheart.
Ivan dislikes the pink activity toy, because pink is to girly. But we have replaced this toy several times, simply because our Bengals loves it. They can practise every hunting skill a Bengal kitten can think of, solo of with a brother.
The Asian Leopard cat is the predecessor of our Bengal cat. They are very shy animals living in dense forests. There often found their prey near water: frogs, fish or salamanders. Our Bengals instinctively love water, so every toy containing water is a success. The only problem is the difference of opinion; our activities with water are not only a way of playing with them. The counter in the kitchen is a magnet, as soon as the Bengals hear water running, they are there. Tally ho, water! A tub with water and a few marbles on the bottom is a trilling toy; replace the marbles with floating pieces of wood.
I could not resist buying the most exiting toy:  motorised fish.
Have a great Sunday,  See you next Sunday

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