Friday 31 October 2014

Meaeeeow, do you want to play with me?

Kittens talk to their mother immediately after they are born. Mostly they make soft sounds, but they also can squeak loudly. When everything is going well you can only hear soft sounds of satisfied kittens drinking and their mother purring in the den.After a few weeks the kittens have learned that they can get our attention by calling us or using body language.And it works, when a kitten looks at you with his big shiny blue eyes; he immediately has a taste of success. You immediately pick him up, hug and kiss him, or play with him.Our Bengals talk a lot with us, but talking with their eyes is always successful and they know it.
1 We can stay in the playpen, but we also can play in the great outdoors. Yesterday we discovered a lot of interesting toys to play with. Yes, yes let us get out of the playpen and run and run and jump and have a ball.
2 We had a ball indeed, after playing we like to have a nap but we do not want to go back in the playpen. We found an excellent hiding place; it is a soft and warm cave. We like to stay there…..sssshhh….be quiet…we will see what comes of our idea. There is a problem, where does mummy has her nap, she does not fit in here……sssshhh…sssshhh,  go to sleep.
3. Do I hear mummy coming? I can hear the others walking toward the kitchen, what is the reason for their actions? This smell communicates:” there is delicious fish for lunch”. I have to draw attention: “meaeeeow…meaeeeow….I would like to have some fish…meaeeeow “. Now I  do want to get out the playpen.
4 Where is everybody? I am bored. I want to get out. Is there someone to get me out? I also want some hugging and kissing, where is everybody?
Wasilla has grown up now but she still is able to achieve her wishes and desires with a blink of her spectacular eyes. Yes I can conclude that we spoil our Bengals, but I don’t think that is wrong, it is my interpretation of their cat language.
Say, " cheese”.

When Shadee is in the garden she mostly plays or relaxes, but she also has the instinct of a predator. After inspecting her territory she chooses an observation point and sits there watching. All cats love a sunny place and laze in the sunshine, but Shadee is not lazy at all. She sits between the flowers because there are always a lot of insects visiting the flowers. She only has to wait to catch one, an easy catch indeed. Shadee uses a centuries-old hunting technique that wild cats still use. A group of lions can relax under a tree for hours, before they go hunting. Shadee’s summer observation point is also very photogenic
Wanata is a hunter, as a kitten he hunted everything: a toy, boxes or shoes .
In the garden he always takes his time to inspect his territory, taking changes in into account. He seldom sits and waits under a tree or another hiding place. He is confident to catch his prey through his velocity. With huge leaps he crosses the distance to his prey and in a few seconds he climbs a tree. All the time he is focussing on his prey.



Wednesday 29 October 2014

Enchanting blue eyes.

One week old babies.

After the hectic hours of birth, comes the moment of meeting the babies and they immediately put a spell on me, on us and on everybody who meets them. Mum is the first, under their spell she changes from a playful cat into a mother and the change is impressive. Our love and respect for her grows more and more every day. Weeks ago she enthusiasticly ran after a toy and now she creates a serene environment for her babies. It is all love and  care in her den.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Kittens first adventures out of the den.

Kittens first steps out of the den.

Those were the days, our first litter have been staying with mum in their “birth box”, but now the time has come to leave the den. And it was about time too. We were very concerned about the safety of the kittens, so we covered the play pen with blankets just in case a kitten could fall. From time to time we took mum with one kitten on top of the box so she can care for her kitten for a while. At last it was time to observe the kittens observing their room.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Storm, the father of our kittens.

Storm is going to be our sire and he is certainly willing and able  to service our female cats. There are a few possibilities to have a virile male cat in the company of females in one houshold. We were experimenting how to keep our boy happy. We have seen some options and some are certainly not an option for us!LLL M

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Good morning…….there is something fishy about this.

Good morning sweethearts, did you sleep well my darlings? Are you ready for a new day? The sun is shining, a promising day is starting….have a good stretch….breakfast is coming…. come on my sweethearts….my darlings come on…….JJJJJJJ

This certainly is a promising start and this is only the beginning of today’s blog. In the beginning I wrote in English and I started a blog in Dutch yesterday. I was very surprised to read that you all have read my Dutch blog. It was so very rewarding to find out that you appreciate my blog and I am so very thankful for your attention; my day started with a big smile.
I am convinced that you do not speak Dutch, but there is no language barrier, because Bengal lovers are fluent in “Catlovers speech”.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Mummy loves me

Bengals are perfect mothers and we are very privileged to share the love of a Bengal mother for her kittens.

Friday 10 October 2014

Ginger's first time in the garden

Today is special day. Finally Gingers is going into the garden. For days she has been sitting on the windowsill, watching the other cats in the garden. She scratches the glass and meowed: “I want to go in the garden too”. The others heard her scratching and take turns to console her. They walked towards her and keep her company for a short time.  Ginger definitely wanted to go into the garden and the day has come. Does this story has a happy end?

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Ginger on the rocks

Introducing Airashii’s Ginger on the rocks.

Ginger is a daughter of Wasilla and storm, both parents are Seal mink spotted Bengals. When she was born she had an striking colour, a blend of brown and red. The older she got The colour of her coat tends to get more red the older she got  and I was excited. I have shared my whole adult live with a red cat. I love the colour it gives the coat of Bengals a warm glow. Also, I believe that red cats have a bubbly temperament and  Ginger did not disappointed me. Her name compliments her significant personality: Airashii’s Ginger on the rocks. When you see her play your heart lifts  as a cocktail makes you cheerful.

Monday 6 October 2014

Do Bengal cats have cow genes?

You should not be anxious when your cat is grazing grass, this is normal behaviour even when they regurgitate (throw up) some grass. Cats eat grass to help their digestion system to get rid of indigestible components in their food. When the cat has digested his food the indigestible rest must be removed, otherwise obstruction of the digestible system is possible. Eating grass will trigger the cat to throw up and simultaneously get rid of hair that otherwise could block the digestion system.
When you see your beloved cat through up after eating grass do not be anxious, but when your cat is throwing up and did not eat grass there could be a problem. Observe him; perhaps you should see a vet.

There is another reason why cats eat grass. This is instinctive behaviour to provide for folic acid. Folic acid is one of the B – vitamins and is essential for a cat’s health. Although premium cat food contains the necessary vitamins cats keep the need of grazing grass. Make conscious choices when planting grass in your garden, some grasses are sharp to the touch and therefore very painful for a cat’s mouth.  Some grasses have small barbs and the can cause problems.

When cats do not come outside the house they could munch your plants. Take care that you do not have poisonous plants in your house or in your garden. 
When cats do not come outside the house they 
could munch your plants. Take care that you do not have poisonous plants in your house or in your garden.

Our Bengals and I love this lemongrass the most.
This picture is taken early summer, and the grass is flowering. A few weeks later there is not much left of my lemongrass, but fortunately it will grow back again.


Have a happy Bengal day and take care of yourself. Do not forget to eat your veggies to day :)


Wednesday 1 October 2014

Sammy the parkour kitten


Sammy the parkour kitten.
Sammy is a son of Wasilla and is one of eight kittens. He was the most active of them all and a  kitten with a soft white coat and a round soft body. Even as a small boy he likes to be in the centre of attention. When he was not drinking or sleeping he was active and  liked to be first. He always was running, jumping or climbing and doing all that with bravura and high speed. It goes without saying that his dashing movements often ended with a stumble or a fall, but he managed to do it with flexibility. And he still does….:)