Sunday 27 July 2014

A new kitten life, part two

Sitka has two kittens and two teats and her children were drinking the whole day. All is well we thought but later that day the kittens were restless and were squeaking softly. There must be a problem, because happy kittens are sleeping and drinking, certainly not squeaking...Kittens should be drinking well the first days to strengten their immune system, resistance against diseases with their mother’s milk. They had lost weight and we decided to bottle-feed them a few times every day.

We weighed the kittens daily and they gained weight, especially Heartbreaker. We put two wooden boards against the sides of the playpen to create an intimate nest and two Perspex plates against the other sides. Heartbreaker could see us coming and as soon as he saw one of us, he started to draw our attention. He wobbly walked towards us and looked at us with his beautiful big eyes and he meowed softly. When he wasn’t sleeping or drinking he was standing in front of the Perspex. When we came to him he tried to stand upright against the Perspex and     off course he lost his balance and fell over :) He could not walk properly yet, never mind climbing, but he wanted to climb out to get to us. Of course we picked him up and petted hem, stroked hem, kissed him and talked to him. After bottle feeding we took our time together and Heartbreaker enjoyed every moment
Along the way he got several pet names like, Sweetheart, Sweetie, Honey, My lovely ….Right names but he was a baby and acted more like a boy every day; he wanted to be the toughly explorer type.  And then there was his name, out of the blue:  Heartbreaker. The name fits him like a glove: heart-breaking toughly explorer type.
My sister is a dog person, she always had dogs and she trained them very well. From the first moment she held Heartbreaker there was an instant connection, love on first sight. She held a tiny kitten for the first time and Heartbreaker loved it, his eyes closed slowly and finally he fell in sleep in the arms of my sister. Since that day she wanted to know how about his growth. She likes holding Heartbreaker and he loves being held by my sister.
My sister loves animals and she has two Chihuahua's who came to live with her when they were two funny puppies and she also has two rabbits. Now they are ten years old and they are funny still. They are very small dogs but in their mind they are  guardians of the house and garden and they do that with the utmost dedication.
They will show their teeth, growl, bark continuously and they will surround the invaders until they leave. When I am walking with them they are pulling their collars and they don’t obey me when I tell them to stop before crossing the road. Sometimes they are hauling me across the pavement. My sister showed me how to be their leader, but it was in vain.... I just love Nino and Mimoen. Their little faces and their happiness when they see me. I want to be their best friend so I can’t be their leader. ;)
Have a happy Bengal day :)

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