Thursday 24 July 2014

A happy blogger.

A happy Blogger.

After several exiting days I could  observe that my blog is being read. There are Bengal lovers out there!   We haven’t got acquainted yet, but I am very pleased with you and you are very welcome. I like to have many happy days with you and our Bengals, so I am wondering what would make you happy to read about ...

Do you like to read more about our kittens? 
Sometimes we have a litter kittens. Happy, happy days we spent with them. They are staying  thirteen weeks with us than they move to carefully chosen homes, where they will be loved and care for.

Do you like to read more about toys?


 Do you like to read more about toys?

Do you like to read more how we introduce meat to our kittens ?

Bengal mothers are the best caregivers, but sometimes

they need a  little help from us.
Introducing meat is also a very important and we pay
special attention getting them used to eating meat. you
Introducing meat. 

Would like to learn more about the origin of the Bengal cat?

The Bengal cat is a relative young breed. His ancestor is the Asian Leopard Cat. An American breeder introduced this fantastic breed an got it acknowledged as the Bengal cat.     

Have a Happy Bengal day :)

You can also visit me at my website:

(leave a comment or request if you feel like it)

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