Tuesday 29 July 2014

What’s in the name?

Aunty Conny had a lot of trouble finding my name, but now she is very happy. I am a happy kitten and I liked being cared for and loved. People show their love in other ways than cats, but I have learned their language and like it very much when they show their affection. 

Monday 28 July 2014

I am a big boy now!

 My name is Heartbreaker and I am 14 weeks old. Sitka is my mother and my sister’s name is Haruko that means that she is born in spring. My mother is very cool, she likes to play with us and often we run high speed playing “catch me as you can”. When I am tired I’ll go to my mother and we all take a nap in a soft basket, very close together and when I wake up I’ll be very busy.

Sunday 27 July 2014

A new kitten life, part two

Sitka has two kittens and two teats and her children were drinking the whole day. All is well we thought but later that day the kittens were restless and were squeaking softly. There must be a problem, because happy kittens are sleeping and drinking, certainly not squeaking...Kittens should be drinking well the first days to strengten their immune system, resistance against diseases with their mother’s milk. They had lost weight and we decided to bottle-feed them a few times every day.

Saturday 26 July 2014

A new kitten life and the story behind it.. Part One

Can't see yet but happy to be here
Sitka is the daughter of Shadee, she went to visit our Stud Storm and had her first litter in April 2014. Here i will describe our experiences during the birth or her first kittens.

Friday 25 July 2014

What would you like to read more about?

The Bengal is a magnificent breed, they are my passion. They are beautiful cats and when they are in the garden they resemble wild cats in their territory. They are in their element, chasing each other or lying in ambush under a shrub searching for prey. After those activities they like to sit in a sunny place for a snooze.

Thursday 24 July 2014

A happy blogger.

A happy Blogger.

After several exiting days I could  observe that my blog is being read. There are Bengal lovers out there!   We haven’t got acquainted yet, but I am very pleased with you and you are very welcome. I like to have many happy days with you and our Bengals, so I am wondering what would make you happy to read about ...

Tuesday 22 July 2014

The young explorers, a kitten adventure..

After approximately 10 days the kittens open their eyes and they are getting more and more interested in their environment. They are growing stronger and they are able to coordinate their movements better and better. The best place to be is near mummy and there enough room in the chest. Every now and then they have a look outside and one day……

A well behaved kitten

Hello :)

Bengal cats are highly intelligent, they are  very active and inquisitive cats and so are their kittens. The kittens need to be physically and mentally challenged to be able to develop into a beautiful, healthy and social Bengal cat. They learn from their mother, other cats and from their owner...


Sunday 20 July 2014

Kittens, Shadee's first litter

Kittens, Shadee's first litter :)

I have always wanted a litter Bengals and when I decided to work part time this became possible. We received permission from Shadee’s  breeder to have  one litter of kittens with her and I went on a course to learn the general  knowledge of cats. In my later blogs I will write about this this process and my experiences. We furnished a room for Shadee and her kittens with several soft baskets and a specially handmade “birthchest”.   Shadee is a Bengal with a mind of her own and chose her litterbox to have the kittens in so i immediately got rid of the litterbox. I tried to interest her in the specially made chest, but she chose a basket….

Monday 14 July 2014


Hartelijk welkom op onze blog.

Soms heb je een idee, dat in je hoofd blijft spoken. Aanvankelijk is het een gedachte, maar het laat je niet los in tegendeel. Alle avonturen van onze katten wil ik graag delen op mijn blog, het klinkt stoer maar er zijn aardig wat drempels. Kan ik boeiende verhaaltjes vertellen, zijn lezers in mijn blog geïnteresseerd?  Na ieder gelezen blog werd ik enthousiaster, maar hoe doe je dat?