Thursday 28 August 2014

Less happy days at Airashii Bengals..

Hello Bengal friends,

Greetings from Bengal central here in Rotterdam The Netherlands. :)

I will introduce myself first, my name is Torsten and I am Conny's nephew.

She asked me to fill in for one blog as to keep you up to date here for her blog and video's.
I will explain to you why it is that i am filling for this blog...

My aunt Conny is not well as you might have read in a previous blog.
I spoke to my aunt a few days ago and she asked me to write to you all and let you know that at this time she is residing in the hospital.

She was previously recovering from surgery, however complications arose earlier this week which resulted in her having to go back to the hospital. She is a proud woman and did not want people to worry but with all the positive feedback and questions that came out of her blogs and videos she asked me to write in this blog that she is currently in the hospital.

She wants to awnser all the questions and positive remarks made on YouTube, Blogger and Twitter as soon as she gets home but we do not know when this will be sadly.

I will moniter her email and make print outs for her so she can read all you're comments and queations and if i can ask the questions to her so i can relay the awnser back to you. She left some videos which i can upload in the coming period I will do my best to get them to you

In conclusion I would like to say that we here at home are very proud of her for the effort and hard work she puts in her cats, her Blog, videos you name it. And that eventhough she is in the hospital, she still asks about if people like her blog and videos and wanting to awnser questions.

The cats are her passion, and I am honoured to write to you all today and thank you for all the happiness you have brought into my aunt's life. You are all in her thoughts.

Again, thank you all, for the shared passion for cats and the happiness you bring.

Give someone a hug today. never to many hugs in the world ;)



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