Thursday 28 August 2014

Less happy days at Airashii Bengals..

Hello Bengal friends,

Greetings from Bengal central here in Rotterdam The Netherlands. :)

I will introduce myself first, my name is Torsten and I am Conny's nephew.

She asked me to fill in for one blog as to keep you up to date here for her blog and video's.
I will explain to you why it is that i am filling for this blog...

Wednesday 20 August 2014


It’s Summer  and it is raining cats and dogs, so we keep inside, the Bengals and I. Sammy doesn’t like being inside for the whole morning, so he goes to the kitchen door and wait there for me. He wants to get in to the garden very badly so her starts scratching the door and with success I am coming. He sees me making coffee and scratches emphatically. When I went into the living room with my coffee her understand that more emphasis is necessary.  He scratches and scratches and I finally walk into the kitchen and tried to explain to him that it is raining. I lift him up and show him the pouring rain outside , but Sammy is not impressed he is a tough jungle cat and need to be in his jungle.

Bengals have a strong personality and they know what  they want, and perhaps I have spoiled Sam. He looks at the rain and then he looks at me….

Minutes later he jumps in his rainy kingdom and I know I’ll  have a big cleaning job later cleaning his muddy trails, so I decide to distract myself and check the SALE.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Ajrams kittens happy baby's

Ajram has spent a week partying with Storm and there was definitely love in the air. After a few weeks we will know if there are going to be kittens. We were over the moon, Ajram is going to be a mother in approximately 55 days...........

The last 3 weeks are very important, we gave Ajram special diet to support her during the last weeks with kittens and the lactation when her kittens are born. The last two weeks we furnish her kitten room and we keep a close look on her. 
The last week we prepare all the material for the birth of the kittens and we use a very specified list. The birth of kittens is a very emotional event and it is very important to have everything ready when it is needed.

I love Ajram very much and she thought I was too emotional to assist her. So she waited until Ivan came to see her and then her contractions started. Her first kitten was born very easily and she took care of it very lovingly. She checked it out very carefully and started washing her kitten. Her kitten enjoyed his mother’s care
and lied quietly next to her. After a while he started to  look for his mother’s milk bar and has his first drink.
This is very important because with his mother’s milk, he got a defence against diseases.

After a few hours 5 kittens are born, When they
dried up their beautiful pattern appeared.  There
they are 5 perfect kittens lying close to their
mother warm, safe and completely satisfied.
When Ajram had to leave them for a very short
time, they lied very close to each other sometimes
they climbed upon one another.
When mummy stays away too long they call her
with a loud  meeeeuww.

have a happy bangal day :)

Monday 11 August 2014

Ajrams first litter

There were kittens in the house and we just couldn’t get enough of them. We practically lived in the “kitten room” enjoying this wonder. Months later we decided that Ajram should stay with us and we enjoy her company every day. She is loved by all of us and a bit spoiled. She walks with a regal stride until she changes in a huntress. Could she became a mother? Could she have beautiful kittens?

An Olive tree story

An olive tree.
In the Netherlands people love gardening and the last winters were perfect for gardeners. We were happy as well.  So we were getting bold and planted palm trees and olive trees in our gardens and they were carefully tended.  Despite of good care one olive tree grew more and more homesick and missed his Italian hills. One day we had to dig out the tree, but we couldn’t cut up this beautiful tree and we took it home.

Saturday 9 August 2014

A dream came true

Shadee's first litter.
She is a very special cat to me, her mother Shadee came to live with us because Wanata, our first Bengal,was very lonely and needed a soul mate. There had always been cats in my live and I had a dream……

Sunday 3 August 2014

Wasilla is an adult cat now :)

Wasilla is an adult cat now. She has a friendly personality and is found her territory in our cattery. She has a close bond with her mother Wasilla and they often sleep together.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Bageerha part two

Bageerha part 2

The first three weeks kittens are focussed on their mother and her milk bar. Sometimes they took a short walk, but never too far from mummy. They laid warm and cosy together against mummy soft warm body, who could wish more. After a few weeks the discouver an inviting new world.

Friday 1 August 2014

Busy times and video's

Heartbreaker sends you a cuddle
In the coming weeks I will be a little more busy then normal. I will attempt to write a new blog every day as per the usual but there might be one or two days in between posts. Also new is that i wil start to add video's to my blog.

Homemade Catswheel kitten palooza

On a very beautifull day Ivan decided to build a giant cat wheel for the Bengals to run around in..

Bageerha part one.


Bageerha is a beautiful Snow Bengal with bright blue eyes. She has a regal appearance and a moderate  personality. Bengals are striking cats and her personality seems a contradiction.
When she was born she was not the most beautiful kitten, according to me.