Monday 1 January 2018


This  is Hunter and he is 7 months old. He surprises me every day. Christmas time was a total bonanza for him. He enjoyed our Christmas tree intensely. We enjoyed watching him inspecting the tree. As soon as the boxes with Christmas decorations opened, he puts his nose deep in the box.
New year was even more surprising .

Monday 13 March 2017

The birth of Baby's kittens.

I love to share with you moments that profoundly affects me: the birth of kittens.
This is something that I love to cover and celebrate these very special moments.
After 61 days of labour we take very special care of her and observe the mother to be closely. The last week of excited anticipation begins……

Sunday 24 July 2016

A precarious water mishap of a kitten.

Pawprints is a very adventurous kitten, he has and or shows confidence in himself and his abilities and he therefore often gets in trouble. But that does not mean abandoning his investigations. The moment he wakes up, his investigations starts....

Sunday 12 June 2016

Rock'n roll and good for the soul

          Cats like to be challenged; I dare to believe that they need challenging. When you observe your sweethearts interacting, you’ll notice incredibly effective cat etiquette. There’s no denying that this works and kittens master the rules, by playing together. Most of the time kittens are a working collective, where there’s one, the others will follow .So they will become well behave Bengal cats obviously by living the life of a Bengal kitten.

Monday 6 June 2016

Learning by play. Accommodations

Learning by play. Accommodations 

Kittens are developing physically and mentally  fast and they have their basics needs. Mummy has to have a safe den where she is able to care for her kittens. We always try to be as effective as possible. Therefor we use “housing facilities” that are easy adaptable to the needs of mother and her kittens.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Kittens are learning by play.

We have always given this subject the highest priority.  We make a considerable effort to create safe situations for our kittens to play together. When kittens are three weeks old they start getting interested in each other and in their surroundings. The first three weeks they were focussed on mommy and her milk bar.

Sunday 15 May 2016


Bengal cats are extreme playful, so when you want to keep your beloved pet happy collect toys. Everything that attracts the attention of your cat can become the next toy to play with.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mothers dag.

We like to give you a special present from us. All readers are being indulge by the mothers of Airashii today. Motherhood is very special, both for Bengal cats and humans. And we like to share our experiences with you.  

Sunday 1 May 2016

Living live to the fullest

Playing, running, climbing, snoozing with mommy, eating, playing with humans, and cuddling, lots of cuddling. That’s what kittens do the whole day when they are seven weeks old.
We always try to find a name that fits a kittens personality and difficult most of the time that can be very difficult. This is a beautiful white female kitten, so a feminine name would suite her well. We are still doubtful and we think that Beautiful wild would project the image that the name describes. Because she is a pedigree kitten this name will be on her pedigree, but I think I will all her Beautiful, because that’s what she is from her nose to the black point of her tale.

Beautiful is a very undertaking kitten and she often gets into trouble. Reaching the summit is her ultimate goal, and when she has set a goal, nobody is able to get her idea changed. So we have to watch her all the time when she isn’t sleeping. Another option is to remove the two tall cat trees in the livingroom. We have tried that and Beautiful was climbing the blinds and the cooker hood. We decide to remove nothing and find some adaptations.
Fortunately Beautiful has learned to call us to assist her when she encounters problems. In addition Liefje keeps a close eye on her daughter and when she really is in trouble she will also call us. All is well.

Beautiful is very playful and fortunately her mother is too. Bengal cats are a very playful, active and happy breed indeed. At first we thought that, when they are playing, Liefje seemed to forget that Beautiful is only seven weeks old kitten, but this was not the case at all.
Beautiful is playing and learning: in this video she is learning how to presents herself as a big and imposing cat. Walking sideways is the best way to get an imposing posture, indeed. Beautiful is very passionate to give the right presentation so we often get the same approach frm her.
The tale of a cat shows the mental state of a cat, when the tale is brush like a cat is very emotional. Of course you should look for other signs, because a brushed tale can also mean, fear or anger. In this case Beautiful is enjoying playing with mommy full heartily, because she has complete confidence in her mother. She therefor enthusiastically practices all her skills, to stalk, to attack, to seize, to outmanoeuvre mommy: all hunting skills a future predator needs.


Hope to see you soon, have a great week, love Liefje.

Sunday 24 April 2016

In this blog I like to introduce Jazzy Jazz to you. Jazzy is a Seal Lynx pointed Bengal cat and she is a charming cat. She is an elegant lady dressed in a soft velvety white coat embellished with light brown embroideries. Jazzy does not walk, she moves like a ballerina in Swan Lake.

Sunday 17 April 2016

A close –knit fami

Liefjes' son needed special care and attention, because we believed that his development was compromised. Already by birth he was smaller and unlike his sister he did not gained weight steadily. In consultation with our veterinarian we started to bottle feed him every two hours.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Sneaking out secretly. Serial part 8

Liefje is a very communitive cat she communicate with us the whole day. She makes soft reassuring sounds: ’prrrr, prrrr” meaning good morning or hello. When she  prrrrs’ we know that she agrees with us and approves whatever we are doing. 

Monday 4 April 2016

Do you want to be my friend. Serial part 7

This week was filled with excitement: emotions, joy, astonishment and also some worries. When kittens have opened their eyes there is a feeling of connection, there’s expression in their beautiful little faces. Of course their sight is blurred, but I like to think that they are looking happily at me.

Liefje is a very strict mother; she keeps her kittens under close surveillance. She has some very tough rules and when we don’t follow them, we are faced with an emotional mother.  
We should recognize that her first litter can make her very nervous and insecure, and we have to avoid that at all times. So we have a lot of reassuring conversations.

We have to weigh her babies every evening and Liefje does not like that at all. She follows us, protesting loudly and she tries to get her baby. After weighing the baby we show it to her and before laying it back in their bed, we let her smell her baby. The poor baby has to endure his mother’s though washing regime afterwards.

She is a very satisfied and proud mother of two and likes to show them to the other cats and of course to us. A soon someone enters the room she gets out the play pen to meet the visitor.  After work Ivan almost immediately visits Liefje and her baby and after a short conversation he gets a baby in his hands. Liefje keeps a close eye on her baby and she meows loudly how to hold her baby. When she is satisfied she returns her attention at her other baby and peace is restored.So there is quality time for both of them.

Since a few days one of the two isn’t growing as we like him to do. We like to keep a close eye on them and when a kitten isn’t growing about 10% of his birthweight every day we observe his development and take action when necessary. Firstly we support the baby with a few feedings a day. But the day before yesterday we decided to bottle-feed the baby every two hours. That is a very exhausting undertaking but it is very important to prevent weight loss.
This is also a very emotional period, because a baby almost always resists bottle feeding. Kittens are as the French say ”gourmands” and they just do not like kitten milk, they always prefer their mothers 'milk. Furthermore you have to try to hold a very tiny and fragile and resisting baby without injuring it. When you succeed you will have to convince it to have a sip. Fortunately a resisting baby always protests loudly and thus opens his mouth widely and so you are able to have a try. You have to bear with the baby there’s surely nothing better than its mother’s milk. Well Liefjes’ sun does not like kitten milk at all and keeps resisting loudly.
Fortunately Liefjes'sun is growing very well, he has gained ten grams today.

He is a very active baby and is trying to walk. His body is not ready for walking; the proportions seem best suited for drinking. His short tiny legs are not made for walking yet and there is no coordination of movement. But he does not care; he is walking or rather waggling. He proudly goes where he’s never gone before. But most of the day the happy family is together, just enjoying life.

A lot has happened and Liefje likes to report  what  has happened with her and her two gorgeous kittens. Enjoy this video.                            
She likes to see you soon.