Sunday 17 April 2016

A close –knit fami

Liefjes' son needed special care and attention, because we believed that his development was compromised. Already by birth he was smaller and unlike his sister he did not gained weight steadily. In consultation with our veterinarian we started to bottle feed him every two hours.

Liefjes' son was a fighter and he tried his best, but sometimes small kittens suddenly start giving up. We had to be proactive and we rushed to our veterinarian.His advice was devastating for us. Defeated we went home, where Liefje was anxiously looking for her son. She was very restless and clearly troubled when she could not find her son, the situation was very disturbing. We all miss him dearly.

We tried to give her some consolation; comforting her and give her attention. But Liefje believed that she had to relocate to insure the safety of her daughter. She was internally insecure and very restless and that caused unrest and turmoil for days. Liefje trusted us completely and our presence reassured her and she decided to move again: on the sofa. Our worries did not stop and we had visions of small kittens dropping on the floor injured. Our efforts to change her mind were in vain, but we had some success. She was willing to compromise and settled for a fleece on the floor. 
                                                   Everybody happy.

An unique situation Liefjes daughter  became a part of our family now. We always have to be taking full account of her presence and we have to be aware where she is. The sweetheart is truly a Bengal cat kitten: active, playful, inquisitive, comical and above all social. She wants to be a part of the Bengal life and our life as well.
                             Bengal and peaople: we love every inch her.

How are we going to organize  situations where she is able to play with others, after all she is Liefjes only kitten. Fortunately we found a solution. Read about it next week.

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