Thursday 17 March 2016

Liefjes' DIY Serial part 3

The last few days Liefje was very restless, so everybody was nervous  too. Liefje was looking for suitable places to make her den. The other cats observed her actions, but didn’t understand what she was doing. 

Liefje was not particularly interested in our “ den building”. She is a polite Bengal cat, but a fierce inspector. She inspected all our projects thoroughly, but wasn’t convinced of our DYI efforts and she gracefully  declined.
In the afternoon she decided to have her first litter on  the sofa  and she invited us all to join her. 

Now imagine having a whole sofa filled with cats and people and in the centre Liefje having her babies. Thunderstruck we enticed the cats to leave the room or at least the sofa and some cats were willing to move.
Jazzy Jazz and Deshima wouldn’t leave Liefje and we thought that it was reassuring for Liefje and us. Our solution was to make her comfortable and her mother Deshima played a leading part.

As soon as her first kitten was born, she preferred  duskiness. With great consternation we observed her actions: she grabbed her firstbornin her mouth, jumped on the floor and ran towards the litterbox. That was nerve breaking to watch, my heart was pounding loudly and we were petrified. Fortunately Liefje wasn’t quite  satisfied with the litterbox and she ran back, with a squealing kitten in her outh and jumped on the sofa. We built  a tent and Liefje considered the tent an acceptable  compromise.

As soon as her second kitten was born, Liefje decided that she needed an safe place for her kittens. This was an extremely difficult position, because she kept running with a squealing a kitten in her mouth. So we have  to find an solution. Our first priority was to reassure and calm here down. The best way to support Liefje was to get the biggest sturdy and join her and her kittens.We spent the first night with Liefje and her kittens in the sturdy and she relaxed finally.

We had backbreaking  hours while keeping Liefje company in her sturdy. It was a very intimate experience  to be so close to the new born kittens. We could hear them drinking, breathing and making all kind of endearing sounds. Love and happiness all over in Liefjes’ dusky sturdy.

  Liefje likes to report on the adventures of her two gorgeous kittens.

                            See you soon.

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