Wednesday 23 March 2016

Soft, white, totally sweetness. Liefje’s first litter. Part 5

The kittens are twelve days old and Liefje has become a very protecting mother of two. 
Her hormones and instincts tell her to be a protecting mother, but here is a contradiction. Liefje has a warm personality and she loves to be with our other cats spending quality time together. Just being idle, playing, frolicking or sharing their territory in the garden.Liefje also likes to share her hunting ground with us to practice her hunting skills.


Her daily routines differs and she hasn’t found her balance yet. She often overreacts to the visits of the other cats and therefore discouraging them. Her attitude causes problems and she is very disappointed when the visitors leave. She doesn’t seem to be aware of her reaction towards the others. So we have gradually taking a role as arbitrator in this matter.
We full heartily love our new role and full and spent as much time as we can with Liefje and her babies

Up close we found out that the babies are purring as well, at least when they are satisfied. A babies’ purr is quite different and often there’s a symphony of purrs created by mommy and her babies. Fortunately they love to purr a lot and they continue their collected symphony for a long time. I am enjoying every purrrr of it.

Putting my head on Liefje’s back I can join her babies drinking. Almost nose to nose I pretend I am drinking and the babies always try to chase me away. They don’t like to share their own, special, favourite teat. They tolerate no one and immediately start fighting me off. They are fierce little fighters and they never give up, they just keep on struggling.
The babies have very tiny but extremely sharp claws, and I always reluctantly have to abandon the struggle. That will surely be the case when the two babies join forces.
I am happy looser, because at the end we have to kiss and make friends again….and again….and again….

Liefje likes to report on the adventures of her two gorgeous kittens.

See you soon.

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