Sunday 6 March 2016

Enjoying the last week of pregnancy Serial part 1

There is a happy buzz since a month in Airashhi:  Liefje is pregnant. Every cat in the house knows it and everybody  is exited. 

The birth of kittens is a social event with Bengal cats, and every cat likes to be involved. There is a small problem because Deshima,  Liefjes' mother, is claiming her daughter full heartily. She is revisiting her own pregnancy and claims her daughter. There is a lot of rubble and tumble and muttering the last week.

Who is Liefje?
Liefje is a Dutch name and  means Sweetheart and she really is a sweetheart. Liefje is a Bengal so she is self-conscience but in a modest way.She is very playful and loves toys, and enjoys playing with us very much.She practices her hunting skills with her favourite toys, and tears them up completely.


Deshima and Jesse are her parents.

In January Liefje went for a short holiday to Hilversum, where Merkur lives. They were having fun and they took serious pleasure in each other’s company. There was nobody to spoil their enjoyment; in short; they had a blast.
A few weeks later we were delighted to see that Liefje was pregnant.

The first weeks of her pregnancy Liefjes' behaviour hardly changed .The last weeks however her body slowly changed, and it is obvious that there are some kittens playing soccer in there.
Liefje used to move like a predator, like a cheetah, but these days she waddles about the house.
She spent a big part of the day sleeping or observing the others.When she is not sleeping she is eating or drinking. She prefers drinking out of the tap in the kitchen.

These last weeks there was a revival of Deshima’ motherhood, the time with her kittens revives. She loves to take care of Liefje and Liefje loves to be cared for as if she was a kitten.
They often lie closely together and wash each other thoroughly, that’s a sign that they have a strong bond. Deshima keeps a close eye on her daughter, she absolutely claims Liefje.
Everybody is curious, but nobody is allowed to come closer. It’s obvious that Liefje enjoys her mother’s attention.

On a sunny day Liefje enjoys spending time in the garden she inspects her territory and cheques if there are frogs are in the pond. When she is completely satisfied she jumps on her favourite bench in the sun for a thorough wash followed by a short snooze. She is completely satisfied.

Liefje likes to report on her first pregnancy and loves sharing everything with you.

See you soon.

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