Tuesday 3 February 2015

Deshima's gorgeous snow babies.

Deshima was lazy the last week when she was with young. She was enormous and when she walked, agility disappeared. Surprisingly she easily jumped on the sofa. She demanded my presence constantly and when I left her, she called me out loud. Deshima is half the size of Wasilla but her voice is twice as loud.

She was enormous so she had to find a comfortable position to nap, and finally she found one, not a very well-mannered position but very adequate one.
The other cats understood her completely and they all made an effort to make her feel comfortable. Deshima got everyone’s attention and she enjoyed her lazy days.



 The last weeks she had trouble to clean herself so we helped her. Deshima did not like that at all, and it was a very strenuous task for us.


We brought her to her own room, so she is able to inspect her den. A few days later, she had doubts, because she did not like the den. She preferred a high place so we tried to interest her to move to the den. Unfortunately, we were not successful.  She was very nervous so I tried to reassure her and I kept trying to interest her in her den. It never occurred to me that Deshima’s first kitten was being born, but that was actually already happening. The kittens came four days early. When her kittens was born Deshima was concentrating a caring for her kitten, but an hour later, she became nervous again. We decided to cover her den, but we observed Deshima and her kitten very closely and kept reassuring her. A few hours later her second kitten was born.

Deshima has two gorgeous babies. They are very active and have the loud voices their mother has. We have to weigh the babies and we have to be very careful. The wriggle energetically and cry loudly they really are little loud Houdini’s. We totally love them. Deshima prefered a dusky den, so we left her den covered.
Look at me two days old but I already have my claws and I certainly need them. With my claws, I can to hold on to mummy. I can move around a bit when it is necessary, but I love sleeping next to my brother or mummy. I love sleeping near to mummy, so I can hear her purring a lullaby for us.

                                   Have a puuurrrrrring day to day
                                            Love Conny

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