Thursday 4 December 2014

Our Bengal babies in their snug den.

Yesterday evening I was walking home and I saw the first tiny snowflakes dancing around the streetlights. Winter is coming and the air felt crisp and clean but rather cold.
Coming home I was busy with cups of tea, and candles and later more candles and a glasses of wine. It’s cold and dark outside, but warm and cosy inside and everything is to our liking.
And soon Xmas is coming.J
Bengal cats don’t have to make an effort to have a snug den, just their presence is enough.

The first weeks Ajram only leaves her den to visit the litter box and we also put a bowl in her den. We often visit her and her babies and complement her with her beauties. Ajram agrees with us after all her babies are the most precious of all. She winks at us and gives us permission to pet her babies. Later we get her permission to hold her babies and kiss them. When a kitten doesn’t like something he’ll cry out like a wailing siren and his mother will be there in a second. Than we have a problem because Ajram doesn’t trust us anymore. There for we invest much time in order to get the trust of or cats.

When a kitten doesn’t like to be held, we’ll give the wailing kitten immediately back to Ajram. I show her the kitten and tell her that he obviously wants his mummy and Ajram winks at me, it’s all right. She starts washing her kitten that has found his place at her milk bar.

I am looking in Ajram’s den en observe the serene atmosphere and I am getting jealous. I am wondering why I have to be keep busy to create the same atmosphere as in Ajram’s den. That’s the mystery of Bengal cats mothers, their loving and caring presence is enough, and we can enjoy it by watching them.
                          Wish you a happy happy Bengal dayJ

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