Tuesday 2 December 2014

Bengal babies having a ball with balls.

The first three weeks the kittens stay close to their mother. Most of the day they spent drinking and sleeping. Bengal babies are active and the like to wrestle for the best place at mummy's milkbar.
They take short walks in the den and they have a look outside often.It takes a few days before one of them ventures outside the den, to explore the play pen.

Their first walks outside the den are amusing.Their movements are still uncoordinated, but that doesn't stop them from running.

"Look at me running, I  am the fastest, my name will be Sprinter."
"Cheque this out.""What is it, meow, that's an intersting find.
"I have never seen something like this before.
"It smells rather familiar, but a bit strange.""

What is that?"" I'll cheque it out carefully." I'll approache it carefully and slowly and observe all its movements.""
"I'll stay low, and be ready to run"."
Meow I love it, this toy is mine."

Meooow, this toy moves!"
 I like this toy, it smells very, very good and it moves."
"This is no toy for sluggish cats, it is a soccer ball.!"
""It is my toy, I am a fast athletic Bengal kitten, meeeeoooow.

       Sleep well..

       Have a happy
        bengal day!

              - Conny

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