Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas.

‘Tally-ho here we come’.

We observe the development of the kittens’ and adapt their environment to her needs. The older they get the more room they need, their coordination is almost perfect now so they like to run high speed after each other. They need to play around, to play with their toys or to play hide and seek. So we build our playful group a larger playground. Ivan build a Perspex enclosure so the kittens are able to see the living room and they are able to interact with us and the other cats. This transparent fencing will encourage their socialization, that’s what we thought. Who would have thought that it was the start of a complete misunderstanding and a very concerned Wasilla………….


Friday 19 December 2014

Wasilla is raising eight kittens.

She is an outspoken Bengal, but never impertinent. She loves her leisure activities, although in our opinion they can be strenuous. She spent hours in her garden running free from care, she is a free spirit. We are privileged to spent time with her in her territory; a wild cat in our mini jungle. Wasilla is a perfect mother also, completely following her instincts. 

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Eight wonderous wonders

Wasilla’s babies are two weeks old and their eyes have opened. They cannot see very well but their hearing is excellent. Wasilla is purring constantly and the kittens sleep and drink at their hearts content. Each of them have their own favourite teat, but sometime one there is a short brawl. Serenity returns because Wasilla is purring and her kittens are drinking or sleeping.

Friday 12 December 2014


Deshima went to a resort for a short romantic holiday with Jesse. Deshima is slightly spoiled so she inspected her resort and when she met Jesse she inspected him as well very thorough. She took her time and she hissed at Jesse when he tried to introduce himself. She looked at him and she undoubtedly liked what she saw, Jesse is a sturdy beautiful Snow Bengal. She took her time to get aquatinted with his smell and the atmosphere of his resort; after all she is a lady.
Jesse is an experience Bengal and withdrew so he could observe Deshima. He purrrrred at her in his silkiest  " purrrrrrrrssssss……."

Thursday 4 December 2014

Our Bengal babies in their snug den.

Yesterday evening I was walking home and I saw the first tiny snowflakes dancing around the streetlights. Winter is coming and the air felt crisp and clean but rather cold.
Coming home I was busy with cups of tea, and candles and later more candles and a glasses of wine. It’s cold and dark outside, but warm and cosy inside and everything is to our liking.
And soon Xmas is coming.J
Bengal cats don’t have to make an effort to have a snug den, just their presence is enough.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Bengal babies having a ball with balls.

The first three weeks the kittens stay close to their mother. Most of the day they spent drinking and sleeping. Bengal babies are active and the like to wrestle for the best place at mummy's milkbar.
They take short walks in the den and they have a look outside often.It takes a few days before one of them ventures outside the den, to explore the play pen.