Friday 3 April 2015

“Snow Bengals”.

We share our house with our Bengal cats; we are one big happy family. We have Black tabby Bengals and Snow Bengals. In this blog, I would like to introduce our Snow Bengals. Officially, the name Snow Bengals does not exist, the name refers to the colour of their coat. There are three types of Snow Bengals:
·         Seal lynx point Bengals, these cats have blue eyes.
·         Seal mink Bengals, these cats have aquamarine coloured eyes.
·         Seal-sepia Bengal, these cats have green eyes.

People sometimes think that not only the colour of a Snow Bengal differs, but also that Snow Bengals are more relaxed than Black tabbies. A gene defines the colour and the pattern of a Seal Bengal but this gene does not influence the personality of a cat. We do not have that impression each of our Bengals have their own individual characteristics, but they all share the temperament and behaviour of their breed. They implement the same hunting tactics, but the Snow Bengals coat is not a very efficient camouflage. In the picture, Sammy has his found his own solution or perhaps he is napping.

All our Bengals share our back garden and the garden is their mutual territory. They like to play together, go hunting together and alert each other when there is a very interesting prey. Herons immediately cause a lot of agitation and as soon one cat sees one, he warns the others and a collective hunt begins.
In summertime, a Seal Bengal has less trouble with camouflage and it is a matter of compensating this with their excellent stalking skills.
Black tabbies and Seal Bengals alike have a great interest in our pond. They can spend a long time observing the goldfish. In this picture Wasilla is in stetlh mode and Wanata is keeping a low profile. You might think that they are interested in the fish as a meal, but the fish are very safe in our pond. I think that the cats use them as a cats’ television. Our Bengals like to have their fish cooked and served with bouillon on a dinner plate.

Seal lynx point Bengals.

A Salient feature of these cats are their beautiful blue eyes. The colour of their coats can be very light creamy white with beige or light brown spots.
In the picture, you see Ocharo; he has all features of a Seal lynx male Bengal. He is a sturdy, muscular and large male cat and his head has a beautiful “wild look”, he is also opinionated.
He liked to appear in shows and socialize with his audience, and he was always willing to pose when someone would like to take a picture with him. When puberty came he still liked the attention and admiration, but he definitely did not want to be in a cage for a long time, so we stopped showing him. His is the proud owner of a title: Champion and he won many prices.
Today he is the beloved pet.

This is a picture of Baily and he is a Seal point spotted kittens. In this picture, he is 5 weeks of age and a very happy kitten. At this age kittens will investigate everything and they will use their eyes, their claws and of course their teeth.
Baily is conscientiously investigating his kitten crab tree, as you can see. Seal lynx pointed means that the cat has brown pointed ears, as you are able to see on the picture.


In this picture, Bageerha is one year of age. Her Seal lynx pointed pattern is almost completely developed. She has a beautiful contrast because she has a short silky coat. I like the variation of the warm creamy colours of her coat, her coat resembles a caffè latte. She has light brown and beige spots and her tale has brown rings ending in an espresso tip.     



Baby is the daughter of Tsukiko and Aikata. It is very difficult to make a picture catching the colours of a Seal Bengal. Taking pictures on a sunny day will be a problem; you will only see a blurry white spot. A snowy landscape is also unsuitable, even Ivan cannot compensate the white surroundings with his camera.
Aikata is a Black tabby male cat and he gave his daughter a coat with beautiful contrast. In the picture, you are able to see the pattern on the back of Baby and her tale. Her back legs are very sturdy; this is typical for the Bengal breed. Baby inherited her baby blue eyes from her great mother.
Baby is not her pedigree name, growing up we often give our kittens their pet name, furthermore Baby is a very musical name, it comes naturally that one calls her with a song: “Baby, baby, baby…..” Baby always answers, with her jazzy voice.
We often sing together, I love her voice, the voice of a jazz singer who smoked cigarettes for years.


                            Have a jazzy day to day

                               Love Conny


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