Friday 27 March 2015

Extreme fondness for Black tabby Bengals.

In this blog, I would like to share my love for Bengal cats with you. Our cats are not just beautiful cats, but they are certainly our friends. Bengal cats manage to fill your life completely; they are always welcoming you when you come home. Regardless your state of mind, they are welcome you happily and playfully. You will forget your daily problems because their enthusiastic welcome will lift your heart. In this blog I would like to tell you more about my love for Bengals cats and especially my love for Black Tabby Bengals.

Our Bengal cats are pedigree cats. They resemble wild cats and I enjoy watching them in their garden. I like the way they move: with litheness and agility. They behave as small predators in their mini jungle and enjoy their garden even when it is raining or very windy. Their behaviour resembles a wild cat, because of the influence of the Asian Leopard cat. The breed is distinguished in Black or Broun tabby’s and Seal mink or Seal lynx Bengal cats. 

Black tabby spotted Bengal cats.

This is Great International Champion Airashii’s Aikata. He is a black tabby spotted mal cat. His physical appearance has been is judged as the perfect Black spotted Bengal, but his character was very important too. Aikata is a very friendly cat and patiently he experienced the assessment of the judges, and proudly he accepted his place on the stage. He loved the admiration of the public and willing he showed his best for the pictures, his audience like to take.  

Black tabby marble Bengal l cats.

Wanata was our first Bengal and he shares our house with three Maine Coons. After a few months, Shadee joined him, because Wanata needed another Bengal to have the most exciting adventures. The marbled pattern is a variation of the classic black tabby cat, but more colourful. The marble pattern is an exceptional camouflage and when two are in the garden. There for they are able to catch preys easily, Wanata catches frogs and mice, Shadee prefers insects. 

Black Tabby rosetted Bengals.

This is Tsukiko. She is a rosetted black tabby female cat. She is a self-assured female cat and never loses her patience. She has the voice of a jazz- singer, and her meow’s sounds very special. Tsukiko has a warm brown colour and a strong contrast in her pattern; she has black rosettes and in every rosette, you can see a third colour.
The Genes of both parents define the pattern of their kittens. The pedigree of our cats goes back for four generations and with their pedigree, we can assess the possible pattern of their kittens. There is always a surprise and Tsukiko is the Queen of surprise: her first litter had four black tabby’s and one Snow Bengal and her second litter had five Snow Bengals and one black tabby.
The pattern is most clear, when the fleece of the cats is short and flat. When you stroke a Bengal, you can feel the muscles, and experience that a Bengal is not only agile, but also very muscular.
A contrast in the pattern is very important. We prefer warm brown base with a very dark brown or black pattern. In our marbles and rosetted cats, you will see a third colour, that makes the pattern most exiting. 

Black marble sheeted Bengals.

These cats have a very special and exiting pattern. When they are born, they are almost completely black or very dark brown.  Vaguely you can find a pattern. It takes weeks before a tiny lighter spots appears, and it takes  more weeks before a bigger one .The pattern of a sheeted kitten is a surprise, it will excite you for month, for years even, because it takes a year or two before the pattern is fully developed.
In this slideshow, you can see Prince Arthur, Tsukiko's first sun.

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