Monday 3 November 2014


There have been several studies about happyness, and a dutch scientist resaersched “happyness” for several years There are allso severeal researches done in Harvard and publised,when you want to read more.
Yesterday evening this subject attract my attention while watching TV: beautiful autumnsceenes.It was the start of a intervieuw with Leo Boormann a scientisst who investigated happiness for years and had interviewd people all over the world about  happyness. He has written sveral books about this subject and gave world leaders one of his books about happyness.There are also severeal researches done in Harvard and published. 
I am happy when I watch my cats…


The conclusions of the studies were that about 50% of our feeling was determined genetically, nature, nurture and upbringing. 10 % by conditions, the place you live, or the job you have.  40% can be influenced, so we can conclude that we play an important part in our happiness. We can use our physical processes smiling for instant is very important, because when we smile our body sends signals to our brain and those signals make it very difficult for depressing feelings to take part. Good yob! ☺☺
Today my blog is about happiness, and there is one video that make you smile and warms your hard and late your brain block negativity. It works for me, and it will work for you!
Enjoy this video.
Also a link about happieness from TED talks;
I am sure you will have a happy Bengal day today.

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