Wednesday 19 November 2014

Bengal cats on the prowl

Our cats take part in most of the things we do. They are interested in what we do and always willing to lend a hand. They will preferentially help us when we are in the garden. The moment we open de kitchen door they are alert, and when we are walking an inspecting the garden their interset grows. Some like walking with us  and they join us  as soon as the kitchendoors opens . Our cats have a free and easy live and when the are relaxing they  listen attentivly and when the door of our shed opens………


It is autumn and the trees in our garden loose their leaves. Autum means working in the garden, it needs a bit more doning to it in november.  The Bengals  are waiting  in suspence what is coming and  they are getting ready for this unforseen occurrence: hunting  with our help. The big leaves of the Catalpa are covering the whole garden and make the garden a difficult terrain for the Bengals.

But they enthusiastically help us gathering the leaves at least in the beginning. Cats have a short attention span and soon they are not helping anymore because the rustling sounds of the leaves trigger their hunting instincts. This make working difficult so we decide to have an espresso and enjoy our cats hunting.
The rest of the day we work in the part of the garden the Bengals are not interested in. We can work there until one of the Bengals gets interested  our activities. We love them dearly but when you want to get work done they sometimes are a bit of a nuisance. Well what do they do?
Sammy and Wasilla are attracted by the rustling sounds and want to investigate. That should not be a problem, but their investigation tactics means enthusiastically digging in the heap of leaves we have gathered. Nothing can stop them until they are convinced that there is nothing hidden there.
Ginger and Baby are just enjoying the shambles and are running high speed through our heaps of leaves. Sitka joins them and they have a ball, running and scattering the leaves. Sammy an Wasilla are not amused, but after a while they join them.
At last we have a taste of success, we have cleared away the leaves and the buck weed in the pond. The cats can enjoy their garden and they do indeed.

Baby is checking the water fauna, now the buck weed is cleared she likes to watch the fish. She can sit focussing on the fish for a long time. Baby has had a very busy and active day, so after all that running and chasing she goes to her favourite place in the sun to take care of herself to the last detail. She is a happy purring cat taking a nap in the sun.

Sammy wanted to help cleaning the pond and perhaps is not completely satisfied, because there is still some buck weed left. He pays special attention to the pond his favourite place to observe his prey. Wasilla joins him, while Baby is overseeing Sammy and Wasilla overseeing our work.



After a long working day everybody is satisfied, so it is time for R and R and a glass of wine for us workers while the Bengals celebrate their hunting grounds. Enjoy the video.


Have a happy Bengal day today.




Thursday 6 November 2014

Bengal toddlers are going where they have never gone before.

It is amazing to see a Bengal baby develop in an agile toddler in a just 13 weeks.  Bengals are highly intelligent and their physical, mental and social development is impressive. By the time you realize what's happening, a Bengal baby child is a toddler.

"Mummy look at me, I have climbed the top!"

Monday 3 November 2014


There have been several studies about happyness, and a dutch scientist resaersched “happyness” for several years There are allso severeal researches done in Harvard and publised,when you want to read more.
Yesterday evening this subject attract my attention while watching TV: beautiful autumnsceenes.It was the start of a intervieuw with Leo Boormann a scientisst who investigated happiness for years and had interviewd people all over the world about  happyness. He has written sveral books about this subject and gave world leaders one of his books about happyness.There are also severeal researches done in Harvard and published. 
I am happy when I watch my cats…