Thursday 25 September 2014

The kittens are starting to explore :)

Having kittens is a miracle, we are so very blessed to have kittens. After a  period of planning and choosing the right parents the decision is made: Tsukiko and Aikata are having kittens. Aikata is a brother of Ajram and was our first boy in our first litter and therefore very, very special. Tsukiko first litter was spectacular they formed a tightly- knit group. Tsukiko was a relaxed and a self- confident mother and she gave her kittens  ample opportunity to explore their playpen. She watched their activities closely and she consented to their actions moreover she willingly let us be a part of her children’s  games.

When we have kittens my whole world shrinks and I want to be near them all the time. Of course Tsukiko takes care of them, she feeds them, washes hem and raised them to be a beautiful Bengal, but we play an important part in raising the kittens too.

When a kitten is born its brain  is not fully developed and it takes three months to grow   from 20% by birth to their maximum. During those three months they therefore  need our  attention. Especially in their sensitive periods our activities playing with them make a faster grow of  neural connexions possible.
In the video the Camelot kittens are approximately for weeks old. The coordination  of their movements is  not fully developed yet and they rumble and stumble about.
Most activities are done as a group, when something catches a kittens eye he or she is going to investigate and the others will follow soon after him. Adult Bengals are very curious and their kittens are extremely curious. Their hearing is excellent and their eyesight is growing and because their den is in our living room there is always a sound or something to see that attracts their attention.

When someone is walking  by they are interested and expecting something to happen and they are right. We walk up to the play pen and caress them carefully, some of us make sounds  as if they are human babies “kutshi, kutshi, kutshi….” Ridiculous of course but it happens every time. Most of us use a higher tone and a softer voice and a kitten will react and comes to see what is happening.


After a few days they will recognize a person’s voice and when you are in the room and talking, they will come to the Perspex window and look for you. When we are bottle-feeding kittens they will come to the window and call  us when we are  coming into the room.  They learn very quickly that they can drink at mummy’s anytime, but that that they have to call us for a drink. Kittens already are convinced that Humans are not as bright as a Bengal and that they need more encouragement. So they come to the window and call us when they are hungry.

Have a happy Bengal day!

Conny Schiffer

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